PostNL Kerstwensenboom
Facebook campaign for the Dutch National Post: Hot-or-not with Christmas wishes.

— Christmaswishes: Hot or not?
The Christmas Holidays are always busy days for PostNL, since they are responsible for the delivery of Christmas post-cards. But as our society becomes more and more digitalized, PostNL has to expand online and therefore we were asked to design a virtual Christmas post-card experience on Facebook.
We designed a Christmas tree on Facebook and asked customers of PostNL to send in their personal Christmas wish. The more wishes, the higher the Christmas tree got.
Everyday one wish became fulfilled and it was up to the rest of the participants to decide which one. How? By make use of the icecold 'Hot or Not' method. Every visitor has to choose between two wishes: the favorite wish became 'hot', simultaneously froze the other card.
Everyday one wish became fulfilled and it was up to the rest of the participants to decide which one. How? By make use of the icecold 'Hot or Not' method. Every visitor has to choose between two wishes: the favorite wish became 'hot', simultaneously froze the other card.
By adding this edgy twist we adapted the general theme “bringing Christmas to the homes of people” of the 360 degrees campaing to context of the medium. It's Facebook after all...

— Submit your wish

— Vote for a wish

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