Dordrechts Museum
A museum website where getting lost in discovery is the goal
— Not only the building of the Dordrecht Museum was renovated in 2010, the website was completely renewed. Both are based on the new theme of the museum "Looking different"
The goals where: 1, Translate the new theme of the museum into the website. And 2, Increase the visit both before and after a museum visit and make sure that people keep coming back.

— Concept
Most museum website visitors look for the practical stuff: the opening times and the prices. Our concept was to seduce those people to go exploring in the digitized museum collection. We seduced them on different ways with taking the goals into account

— Personal recommendation
With a very (too) genious algorithm we’re able to give recommendation to visitors based on their behaviour (time spend looking at a painting, comments made, favorited artists ect.) and the details of an artwork (artist, time period, movement). On this way the total collection, including the 90% in the depot, was unlocked for the visitor.

— Opinion
Art always brings emotion and conversation! To make it easy accessible and to keep it practical data we chose not to have one general comment form for each artwork, we created three possibilities to give an opinion.
• to ask a question (or give an answer)
• like or not like (with optional motivation)
• to select your favorite detail (see animation)
• like or not like (with optional motivation)
• to select your favorite detail (see animation)
On this way we translated the offline museum experience (looking, pointing, asking discussing) to online. Including the benefits from online; your question can be answered by everyone (a curator, a visitor or a ‘liker’ of the painting)

— Discover blocks
To create a real discovery we avoided boring lists of artist, paintings, movents ect. We came up with discover-blocks. The blocks contain chunks of content belonging to a related artwork, artist or event. The chunks can be a favorite detail, a question, an opinion ect..
By showing only only a chunk people get curious and continue clicking. Because the user has seen a discover-block, before he sees the whole painting, he will look with different eyes at the painting. He will search for the favorite detail he clicked on, he will compare his opinion with the opinion he red or will be looking for the answer on the question. Anyway.. he will look different.
By showing only only a chunk people get curious and continue clicking. Because the user has seen a discover-block, before he sees the whole painting, he will look with different eyes at the painting. He will search for the favorite detail he clicked on, he will compare his opinion with the opinion he red or will be looking for the answer on the question. Anyway.. he will look different.

— Introduction and rewards
To get the users familiar with all the functions of the website we created introduction-assignments. Besides the online reward (a painting on the digital wall) people earn discount in the museum shop for example.

— Header
On the homepage there is a vertical scrollable header. It contains all the activities possible in the museum, like art-classes, renovation, diner and of course a lot of art.

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